- 목표액 5,000,000원 중 113%
- 5,700,000
- 후원 마감
- 210 명 후원
- 이 후원함은 2015-07-04에 종료되었습니다.
- 후원마감
제 7회 대구퀴어문화축제
후원이 마감되었어요. 그 결과..
제 7회 대구퀴어문화축제 쇼셜펀치 후원금 사용정산내역
이 후원함에 대하여
드디어 짧았던 7월의 축제가 끝났습니다.
후원해주신 분들 모두 진심으로 감사드립니다.
여러분들 한분, 한분 덕분에 위험했던 축제를 안전하고 즐겁게 꾸려낼 수 있었습니다.
내년에 다시 찾아뵙겠습니다.
*리워드 수령 안내*
대구퀴어문화축제 메일로
제목에 [리워드]를 넣으신 후
우편수령 받으실 곳의 주소/ 전화번호/ 수령인/ 후원자(입금자)명을 보내주세요.
후원내역이 확인되는 대로 차례대로 발송 됩니다.
The Daegu Queer Culture Festival has been hosting its events with only the financial support of our numerous sponsors since the 1st Queer Festival in 2009.
We must stand hand in hand to ensure that this festival will be a beacon of LGBT pride that combats homophobia so rampant in society today.
“Chief of Jung-gu District Withholds Rights to Lend Public Space for ‘Queer Festival’, Despite Having Allowed ‘Opposition Prayer Group’ Last Year”
Soon-Young Yoon, the Jung-gu District Chief, confirmed the prohibition on using the Dongsungro open air stage as the venue of the Daegu Queer Culture Festival. Yoon has, however, previously given permission to a local Christian youth coalition to host, simultaneously, a homophobic prayer session during the 6th Queer Festival last year on June 28th. (Newsmin, Park Jong-Yeup)
Despite the plan to host the 7th Daegu Queer Festival at the Dongsungro open air stage on the 4th of July, the district office has disallowed the use of the facility.
On June 18th, the organizing committee of the Daegu Queer Culture Festival impeached the police’s decision to prohibit the parade, voicing that “The self-affirmation of sexual minorities should not be an occasion to be oppressed and restricted by the police.”
The committee assembled in front of the Daegu Police Agency to assert that “Hatred is violence. The police, by using conservative Christians as an excuse to obstruct the festival, is an assailant in of itself.”
The rally, with human rights organizations such as Rainbow Solidarity for LGBT Human Rights of Daegu, Daegu-Kyungbuk Women’s Association United, and The disabled discrimination abolition solidarity among approximately 30 civic activists as its participants, was conducted for an hour’s length.
“37 Civic Groups Support Queer Festival for ‘A Daegu Without Hatred’”
37 civic groups in the Daegu region called for a safe and peaceful opening of the 7th Daegu Queer Culture Festival, which has been contested by the Jung-gu District Office’s refusal to lend public space and the Daegu Police Agency’s ban on the pride parade. The human rights organizations representing women, immigrants, and the disabled most proactively participated, contending that they “present support in lieu of societal minorities, many of whom are forced to endure hostility and discrimination.”
“The government office might as well have banned the parade and denied the festival of a venue because they do not want to see sexual minorities in the streets. In order to temper discrimination and bias, more of us need to come out to the streets and meet others,” they said.
“We hope that the local community take interest and concern in this situation for the freedom of the minorities to express themselves.” (Newsmin, Chun Yong-Gil)
30세트 한정
All Sponsors: Receive ice-cold water on the day of the festival
Sponsor donating over 50,000 won: Receive postcards, bookmarks, and stickers from Kim Min-soo’s Queer Photography Exhibition –limited to 30 sets, can be collected on the spot or by mail
Sponsor donating over 100,000 won: Commemorative T-Shirt –can be collected on the spot or by mail
Postcard/Bookmark Set from Kim Min-Soo’s Queer Photo Exhibition
퀴어한 사진첩 “A Queer Photo Album”
From 2013’s A Rightful Wedding~ One Great Day, to the Korea Queer Festival, Red Party, and the Daegu Queer Festival
Brought to you as postcards: the behind-the-scenes photographs of Korea’s LGBT rights movements and photographs of gay parades from around the world. (12 sets in total, 20,000 won for purchase)
여행 사진 엽서“Travel Pictures Postcards”
The voice of LGBT, photographer Kim Min-Soo brings to you his voyage of the world in pictures.
These postcards are made from pictures that correspond to the photographer’s journey around the world. The back of the postcard looks exactly like the postcards inspired by “A Queer Photo Album.” (12 sets in total, 20,000 won for purchase)
퀴어한 책갈피 “A Queer Bookmark”
The bookmark is foldable and magnetic.
Front side: Comes in pink and rainbow, seven different designs
Back side: An illustration for ones in red, yellow, and blue, and a dotted design for ones in orange, green, and purple.
작가 약력 A Brief Sketch of Photographer Kim Min-Soo
Photographer Kim Min-Soo has been working both officially and unofficially as a LGBT human rights activist since 2013 by sharing his talent in photography.
2014 Official volunteer photographer for Korea Queer Festival
2014 Official volunteer photographer for Red Party
2015 Media team member in Korea Queer Festival Organizing Committee
2015 Photographer & volunteer in Korea Queer Festival
제 7회 대구퀴어문화축제
일시: 7월 5일 (일)
장소: 동성로 대구백화점 앞 광장
Parade: July 5th, Multiple booths and performances,
The Parade of Pride in front of Dongsungro Daegu Department Store/Plaza
언니네트워크/ 친구사이/ 비온 뒤 무지개 재단/ 반딧불이/ 청소년 성소수자 위기지원센터 띵똥/ Somewhere/ 대구경북성소수자인권모임/ 혼자가 아니에요(You are not alone)/ 행동하는 성소수자 인권연대/ iSHOP/ 청소년 성소수자 커뮤니티 라틴/ 군인권센터/ 라엘리안 무브먼트/ 성소수자 부모 모임/ 언니모자/ 보지파티/ 레주파/ 녹색당 인권특위/ 정의당 성정치 위원회/ 노동당 성정치 위원회/ 무지개인권연대/
축하무대 및 공연
회기동 단편선
하레와 우야
플라스틱 키즈
오늘도 무사히
자긍심의 퍼레이드
"김민수의 퀴어한 사진첩"
일시: 7월 1일(수)~10일(금) (7월 5일 휴관)
전시시간 11시~21시
장소: 무지개인권연대 (구)인문학 놀이터
Photo exhibit: July 1~10, Kim Min Soo’s “A Queer Photo Album” at 인문학 놀이터
작품해설 시간 11:00, 19:00 (7월 5일 제외)
작가와의 대화: 7월 10일 금요일 19시
일시: 7월 11일(토)~7월 12일(일)
장소: 오오극장
Queer Film Festival: July 11~12
상영시간표 (티켓가격: 5,000원 현장발권)
그 섬, 봄
일시: 7월 17(금)~7월19일(일)
장소: 소극장 함께사는세상(함세상)
Queer Theatre Festival: “그 섬, 봄” or “That island, spring”
@소극장 함세상 *the play is in Korean
Click to see previously held festivals
Apply for a booth/Volunteer
7월 5일! 서울에서 대구로 / 대구에서 서울로 왕복 무지개버스 운영
참가비 20,000원 (왕복)
후원 이벤트!
How to collect your sponsorship rewards on the day of the festival
Step 1. Donate on Social Funch!
Step 2: Go to the Daegu Queer Festival Organizing Committee booth on the day of the festival, July 5th.
Step 3: Capture on your smartphone the transaction records/credit card use or bring your bankbook (or a copy of it) that shows your electronic transfer
Step 4: After we check your name on the sponsor list, feel free to collect the drink/postcards/bookmarks/t-shirts!
The Daegu Queer Culture Festival
How to make your payment (in English)

대구퀴어문화축제 조직위원회
제7회 대구퀴어문화축제 담당자: 기린 메일: queerfes@daum.net
- queerfes@daum.net
- http://cafe.daum.net/life-2van